


The ArchiDOM company is a recognized leader in the design services…
Country-style country house

Country-style country house

Everyone's favorite country style is associated with the life…
Stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings

There are no trifles in the interior design, especially when…
House design

Advantages of Old Wood parquet board

Old Wood parquet board is considered an excellent alternative…
House design

The romance of a round bed

The most favorite corner in any apartment is a sleeping place…
House design


One of the most important places of an apartment or house is…
House design

Space saving: corner sofa

So, the corner of the living room. What should be placed here,…
Choosing furniture for a small kitchen

Choosing furniture for a small kitchen

Manufacturers of kitchen furniture offer their customers a wide…
House design

Italian chairs — a story with a sequel

If France traditionally dictates style on fashion catwalks, then…
House design

Convenience of stretch ceilings

Recently, many people have had stretch ceilings in their homes.…
House design

The gate is the business card of your home

An important process in the design of the house is the choice…
Elite plumbing

We choose plumbing. Color, Material, Shape, manufacturer*

After solving the issue of heating your new apartment, you should…
Luxury upholstered furniture

Luxury upholstered furniture – luxury in detail

Furniture is not only a way to fill the empty space of the room.…
Unusual wallpapers

Unusual wallpapers

Unusual wallpapers are the fantasies of designers inspired by…
Chest of drawers in the apartment

Chest of drawers in the apartment, an old element in the new interior

Any hostess tries to create an unusual and unique interior of…
House design

Features of decorative finishing

When creating interior design, designers and architects pay most…
House design

How to choose a functional and reliable wardrobe?

The frequent change of seasons requires a variety of things.…
House design

Apartments renovation

Sooner or later, the owners of the apartment, problematically…